Luke has been in the fitness industry since 2017, throughout this time he has tried many different forms of training and activities, but nothing has really stuck like endurance sports. His goals have always been around getting as strong, fit and as well-rounded as possible.

Luke’s bread and butter is Strength & Conditioning, having been around this scene for so many years, his true passions lie in getting people strong, out-of-pain and smashing performance-based goals.

What is your favorite food?

Cheese & garlic naan goes hard, but I could probably eat variations of Mexican cuisine everyday for the rest of my life and be happy.

What is the strangest talent you have?

I can move both eye brows up and down, like that Cadbury ad link here.

Do you have any phobias?

I wouldn’t say I have any specific phobias per se, my biggest fear is probably more on an existential level, if you know what I’m saying.

What is the best part of being a coach?

I am obsessed with progress, albeit cliche, seeing someone achieve things they didn’t think they could and helping someone genuinely progress, whether its getting them out of pain or squeezing the last 1%’s out of their performance is a very rewarding part of the job. Also just meeting knew people, having conversations and building new relationships puts lead in my pencil.


  • Cert III/IV in Fitness

  • Australia S&C Association (ASCA) Level 1

  • Level 2 Athletics Australia Run Coach

  • Precision Nutrition & Sports Nutrition Australia Certificates 2020-2023



Having worked directly with Riley since 2020, we are fairly familiar with each other and on truly getting to know him, I knew he’d eventually be apart of our team, it wasn’t an if, but when.
Riley is a great asset, having been in the sport for the better part of 8 years; competed in events from 5k all the way to 100km, numerous triathlons, from sprint to half-Ironman distances and just about everything in-between.
Riley is our Head of Endurance and looks after anything to do with the endurance coaching side of the business.

He is a coach that treats his clients’ events as if they were his own, living and breathing anything to do with endurance sports.

What is your favorite food?

A big tomahawk steak with taties.

What is the strangest talent you have?

I can legit fall asleep anywhere.

Do you have any phobias?

Yes. I HATE sharks.

What is the best part of being a coach?

The process is my favorite of being a coach. From someone coming to you and wanting structure to their running, to seeing them achieve their set goals, months or years later. I love the process.


  • Level 1 Athletics Australia Run Coach

  • Level 2 Athletics Australia Run Coach (currently)